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Do you remember these old cities?
Germany's oldest city, Trier, is on the banks of which river?
Leptis Magna was a Roman city in which African country?
Which civilisation founded the city of Flores in Guatemala, around 1000 BC?
Now Portugal's third largest city, which town is the country's oldest?
Carthage was founded by which civilisation?
The ancient city of Antioch is in which modern day country?
Oxford University was founded in which century?
The oldest surviving settlement in the Caribbean was built in which country?
The oldest continuously inhabited US city is in which state?
Famagusta on which island was abandoned in 1974?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
General knowledge quiz
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
Very hard geography quiz, can you get more than 5 correct?