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Movies Quiz
With which of these films would you associate the phrase 'Phone home!'?
Film director Alfred Hitchcock was born in which year?
Marlon Brando and Al Pacino star in which 1972 film?
Stop trying to make fetch happen! comes from which teen movie?
Which male shot to fame in Four Weddings and a Funeral?
The murderer in Wes Craven's "Scream" horror movies wears a Halloween mask inspired by a painting by which artist?
In what year was Fujifilm launched?
In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which creature is smoking a hookah when Alice comes across him?
2006 movie "Pan's Labyrinth" was filmed in which language?
Who directed the classic horror film, Dawn of the Dead?
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Literature Quiz
Do you remember the 50s?
Everybody likes music, but how much do you know about it?